Rotherham Safer Venues Together

The Rotherham Safer Venues Together Charter is awarded to premises who demonstrate their commitment to being a safe and secure venue to all.

This venue will:

  • Ensure they implement appropriate measures to protect people using their premises who may be vulnerable for any reason
  • Ensure they provide appropriate basic training to all staff performing a public facing service to understand safeguarding and how to support customers
  • Ensure all staff are aware of their responsibilities in protecting and safeguarding as part of their work
  • Ensure all staff understand their responsibility to report any safeguarding issues they witness, or issues brought to their attention, to the appropriate manager immediately, discreetly and away from other customer

All of these premises have completed Safeguarding Training with Rotherham Council and South Yorkshire Police and actively promote Ask for Angela and Drink Spike Awareness in their venues.

*Premises to be added

If you would like more information please e-mail