A New Pathway for accessing support for domestic abuse from 1st October

Rotherham Rise will operate a helpline, for individuals and professionals in Rotherham, that can be accessed by calling 0330 2020 571, offering information, safety advice and signposting for support.

Rotherham Rise will operate a helpline, for individuals and professionals in Rotherham, that can be accessed by calling 0330 2020 571, offering information, safety advice and signposting for support.

There is a wealth of information and advice accessible through Rotherham Rise’s website, found at www.rotherhamrise.org.uk and navigation to the right advice is assisted by a web bot, which has been developed with people who use the service.

From 1st October All new referrals for Domestic Abuse Support should be sent to Rotherham Rise at help@rotherhamrise.org.uk who will carry out an assessment and support people along the pathway to the right service, including the Council’s Domestic Abuse Assertive Outreach Team

Rotherham RIse DASH referral form

Published: 13th October 2022